I am so happy to share the beautiful words from my heavenly and very talented friend, Interior Designer Bee Osborn. Bee is always full of genuine, grounded and valued advice on every aspect of my life which is always delivered with warmth and huge amounts of fun. I hope this interview leaves you full of ideas and inspired.

Tell us your story and what inspired you to set up your company?
Being a struggling single mum whilst I was working as a secretary I brought and sold houses at the same time to try and make enough money to own a house outright for myself and my children. Whilst doing this people kept asking me time and time again to design their houses for them which eventually I started doing. The process was fairly organic and there was never a definite moment when I actually sat down and set up a business. A decade later I went to study at The Inchbald School of Design to give me the confidence and knowledge I needed, and it was after that I felt I actually had a proper business.

What is your proudest accomplishment?
Doing an entire hotel project in St Barth’s from design to installation with everything made bespoke all around the world, in 8 months. It nearly killed me, but the result was incredible.

What are the most rewarding aspects of what you do?
When you see a client or guest enjoying what you have created for them.

Who would you love to collaborate with?
A lovely lighting company as I am passionate about lighting. I would like to create some beautiful bathroom lighting as I feel it so lacking in the industry.

Favourite part about your job?
The designing at the outset, with the spacial planning etc and then the styling.

Describe yourself in 3 words Hard working, enthusiastic & empathetic.
What is your life motto? Just do it!

Who inspires you and why?
Anyone who has started with nothing and created something, I respect bravery and courage hugely. I’m drawn to people who work hard, take nothing for granted and are brave enough to give life a go.
What book should we all read?
The Secret by Rhoda Byrne as it is all about the law of attraction which I firmly believe in.

Tell us about your personal style?
Uncomplicated, non frilly, calm, elegant in neutral tones.

Image copyright - Osborn Interiors
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