Welcome to our lifestyle journal 'A moment with ...'
As a seeker of beautiful things, I believe there is beauty to be found in everyday and that all moments big or small should be celebrated. Life is about moments, noticing the ones that are already here in our everyday and creating new ones where the memories can last a lifetime. We hope our lifestyle journal, 'A moment with .... ' will inspire and empower you to create, celebrate and cherish all the beautiful moments in your life, to see the world through a magical lens and to remember that often it is just the smallest things that can elevate a moment.
We regularly add to our interview series featuring some of our very favourite creatives, plus our little sister spin off - 'mini moments' - tips and ideas on all the things we are passionate about, where we share some of our favourite things plus a little from behind the scenes at CFB&D.
Please follow our instagram for updates - @carolinefosterbrown

Illustration by @meganhess