I first met Sophie many years ago when she was first starting out, it has been such a joy to watch her business grow into what it is today. I am in full admiration of her personally, her beautiful work and her business acumen. Her high-end interior design studio is based in Surrey with projects all over the world, Sophie has grown her Instagram following to over half a million, where she is very generous in giving lots of tips and tricks to her very loyal community. I hope you enjoying reading about Sophies journey as much as I did.

Tell us your story and what inspired you to set up your company?
I have always loved creating a home, right from rearranging my bedroom as a five year old, I didn't know it could be a career. My mother moved house repeatedly throughout our childhood and was always hands on with all the decorating, I knew how to strip wallpaper as a teenager! She even self-built when we moved from Holland to England. She always involved us in the process and I was the only daughter who was interested. I studied International Management and Spanish at Bath University after completing the IB, my family were more into professions and academics than creative industries, so it wasn't until my early twenties when I had the chance to do some free work for a Developer that I got my first experience at Interior Design. At first, I was self-taught using sketch up to do all the drawings and then I studied Vectorworks at KLC. Having a chance to design an entire project was daunting but I loved it, the Developer was very happy, I worked wonders with a tiny budget back then and it sold for a record price! Since then our studio has grown by word of mouth and social media.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
This year after completing the VIP salon for Savills at Masterpiece. It was a huge stretch at a very busy time but a once in a lifetime opportunity to be at such a prestigious event with your brand alongside world recognised brands such as Ferrari, Van Cleef & Arpels and priceless artwork and antiques.

What do you love most about running your own business?
The variety, you meet so many different people, get to travel to different places and as you are designing homes you really immerse yourself into different cultures.
What is your company mission statement?
Creating homes that seamlessly enhance our clients lives.
What sets you and your business apart from competitors?
I think our team, we are all so detail orientated, dedicated and most importantly of all down to earth.

If you were re-starting your business again, what three things would you do first?
Hire earlier, I ran the company single handedly, doing everything for the first five years.
But I wouldn't really do anything differently as I'm happy with where I've landed.
Looking back what were the most important things you wish someone had told you before starting your business?
I don't think you can be told, I think you have to learn the hard way. But I am certainly more resilient after running a business for 14 years!
What is your vision for the future of your company?
I am loving developing the collections, we have several exciting ones planned in the next 12 months. I just want to build on that, expand our product range and keep designing beautiful projects with lovely clients!

What are the most rewarding aspects of what you do?
Seeing the impact it has on our clients.
What do you think it takes to build a successful business and brand?
You have to be passionate, you have to live and breathe it for at least the first ten years and build up a team that aligns with your values that will help expand your business.
How would you describe your leadership style?
Supportive but I don't micro-manage, I hire the best so I can trust their instinct. That said I do personally oversee every project so maybe they might think differently!
Who would you love to collaborate with?
The brand I most wanted to collaborate with has just happened and we will be launching a collection at the end of this year! Can't wait to share it!

Describe yourself in 3 words
Driven, fair and compassionate.
What is your life motto?
There's a solution to every problem.
Who inspires you and why?
Lady Bamford, I love her brand and admire her endless energy to keep launching new venues and products!
What book should we all read?
I'm currently reading The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad You Did) by Phillipa Perry, it's not just about parenting but all types of relationships. I learn something new in each chapter and it's certainly impacted the way we raise our children in a positive way. So much of it is common sense but it's important to me to parent consciously. I'm not perfect but I'm trying my best.

Do you have any daily routines?
I work out most days, either with a trainer, on the peloton or Pilates. It's a treat for me not a chore now my life is so busy and spent spinning so many plates, I like the fact I'm not distracted whilst I'm doing it by my to do list!
What is your favourite possession and why?
My engagement ring, it has such happy memories attached to it. Plus a carved oak antique table with carved oak leaves and acorns on it, I am obsessed with oak leaves and acorns and I marvel at the skill that whoever carved it had.
What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
Drink coffee and check Instagram / Email/ YouTube before my kids launch themselves into our room at 7.00!
How do you unwind?
Exercise, being in nature and eating great food!
Image copyright - Sophie Paterson
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